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Sempe V.S.O.P. Armagnac 750ml


item sempvsop75


Grape Varieties: A blend of Folle Blanche, Ugni Blanc and other regional varieties. Distillation: Distilled once in a small continuous still called an alambic. The crystal-clear brandy is then aged in handmade oak casks where it gains its exceptional fragrance and color. The resulting spirit possesses astonishingly smooth character and exquisite taste known as the velvet flame. Description: Extraordinarily smooth and fragrant. The subtle aroma of the plums, prunes and violets grown in the Armagnac region can be detected in its distinctive bouquet. Serving Hints: The ideal digestif, Sempé V.S.O.P. also pairs well with apple and almond desserts, flourless chocolate cakes, and coffee after a satisfying meal.